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    Hersteller: Ioterminal

    Ioterminal Opel Gm Tcm License


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    Ioterminal Opel Gm Tcm License

    The I/O TERMINAL Opel/GM TCM Programming Package is designed for working with Opel and GM vehicles.

    It allows you to perform read and write operations on ACDELCO engine control units (ECUs).

    Here are the key features of this package:

    1.TCM Cloning: You can copy data from an existing TCM to another unit.
    2.Data Reading: Read data from the TCM.
    3.Data Writing: Write data to a new TCM.

    This package and its software are activated within a SIM card and work with the I/O TERMINAL programming device.

    Using the I/O TERMINAL ACDELCO card, you can perform the following operations on the specified ECUs and models:

    ACDELCO E83 MPC5565 FLASH R/W: Read and write operations via CAN (OBD) or BOOTPIN recovery.
    ACDELCO E78 MPC5566 FLASH R/W: Read and write operations via CAN (OBD) or BOOTPIN recovery.
    ACDELCO E87 MPC5565 FLASH R/W: Read and write operations via CAN (OBD) or BOOTPIN recovery.
    ACDELCO E39 MPC5566 FLASH R/W: Read and write operations via CAN (OBD) or BOOTPIN recovery.
    ACDELCO E39A MPC5566 FLASH R/W: Read and write operations via CAN (OBD) or BOOTPIN recovery.
    ACDELCO E98 MPC5674 FLASH R/W: Read and write operations via CAN (OBD) or BOOTPIN recovery.
    DELPHI DCM3.7AP MPC5566 FLASH R/W: Read and write operations via CAN (OBD).

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    Ioterminal Opel Gm Tcm License

    The I/O TERMINAL Opel/GM TCM Programming Package is designed for working with Opel and GM vehicles.

    It allows you to perform read and write operations on ACDELCO engine control units (ECUs).

    Here are the key features of this package:

    1.TCM Cloning: You can copy data from an existing TCM to another unit.
    2.Data Reading: Read data from the TCM.
    3.Data Writing: Write data to a new TCM.

    This package and its software are activated within a SIM card and work with the I/O TERMINAL programming device.

    Using the I/O TERMINAL ACDELCO card, you can perform the following operations on the specified ECUs and models:

    ACDELCO E83 MPC5565 FLASH R/W: Read and write operations via CAN (OBD) or BOOTPIN recovery.
    ACDELCO E78 MPC5566 FLASH R/W: Read and write operations via CAN (OBD) or BOOTPIN recovery.
    ACDELCO E87 MPC5565 FLASH R/W: Read and write operations via CAN (OBD) or BOOTPIN recovery.
    ACDELCO E39 MPC5566 FLASH R/W: Read and write operations via CAN (OBD) or BOOTPIN recovery.
    ACDELCO E39A MPC5566 FLASH R/W: Read and write operations via CAN (OBD) or BOOTPIN recovery.
    ACDELCO E98 MPC5674 FLASH R/W: Read and write operations via CAN (OBD) or BOOTPIN recovery.
    DELPHI DCM3.7AP MPC5566 FLASH R/W: Read and write operations via CAN (OBD).
