What is the Elecrification ?
What is the Elecrification ?
The national academy of engineering called electrification the greatest achievement of the 20th century.
Electrification is the process of providing power with electricity.
It is the presentation of a power by being exchanged from another source.
The electrification of certain sectors of the economy is referred to by terms such as factory electrification, home electrification, rural electrification, or rail electrification.
One of the most fundamentally needed energy sources in human life is electricity, and the spread and development of these infrastructures is to meet the increasing electricity need of human life.
Such a system is necessary for electric vehicles because these systems, which have been established as in the past and today, are very important investments that determine the future of people.
There are two important factors that will create a very serious demand for electric vehicles. These are powerful batteries and fast and powerful interconnection of electrical systems.